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Outplacement Workshops

“Dan’s unique perspectives on so many things help people to break through their paradigms into a new realm of thinking about their life and situation.”


– Sheyenne Kreamer


Workshop Topics

In my comprehensive Career Transition (Outplacement) workshops, the following topics are delivered through a blend of engagement, enthusiasm, humor, and inspiration:

* Change / Transition Management
* Myers Briggs (Career Assessment)
* Resume Development
* Networking
* Interviewing & Negotiation

Workshop Testimonials

“I had the pleasure of taking several classes taught by Dan, as well as participate in an 1:1. As an trainer, he brings an incredible amount of energy and creativity to the classroom, ensuring high engagement, and causing participants to 'think outside the box'. We'll all been in classes that dragged, wondering how we could apply any of the principles taught. This is NOT the case with Dan - the time flies, and at the end, you leave with ideas that you can immediately pursue or put to use. In working with Dan 1:1, he provided very useful information and works to 'customize' the most appropriate response for your particular needs.”

– Sandy Britt Thompson

“Dan's help and encouragement during my career transition was a key in keeping me going forward. Enthusiasm and confidence are the keys to maintaining sanity and momentum during a job search. Dan has both qualities in abundance and has the rare ability to project them to people. Thank you, Dan, for all you did to keep me going during my job search!”

– Joe Lipka


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